Creating sustainable, responsible businesses

We help your business meet sustainability and responsible business requirements to manage your risk and create value for your shareholders and stakeholders

Our Services

At Ithaca Impact, we meet you where you on your sustainability and responsible business journey. We help you take the next step.

We tailor the our services model and pathway to your needs and ambitions based on an initial conversation.

Contact us now to get started.

Our Practice Areas

  • Sustainability & ESG

    Sustainability & ESG

    As regulations and expectations rise, we support our clients in ensuring they are addressing their sustainability considerations strategically and profitably. We help set a strategic pathway and ensure you are meeting and anticipating emerging ESG requirements. Each client is at a different stage, some are just starting, others want to be world class.

    Whether you are just beginning or you are advanced, we support your business to develop & deliver:

    • tailored sustainability strategies & implementation plans aligned with your growth trajectory

    • relevant ESG plans, targets, KPIs, internal policies & approaches

    • effective, strategic stakeholder engagement

    • gender & diversity inclusion strategies

    • board, executive & whole-of-company training & ESG integration

    • accountability & reporting approaches against ESG standards 

    • progress & impact monitoring & reporting without greenwashing

  • Responsible Business & Human Rights

    Increasingly, firms are being held to account for their choices and their impact on people and planet throughout the value chains. This creates real risks for those businesses who have limited insight into their value chains.

    We work with businesses in the UK, Europe and Australia to meet emerging regulatory standards and reporting requirements. Our capability and experience extends into Asia, Africa and Latin America, including in fragile and conflict effected states.

    Our specialists support you to:

    • map, analyze & monitor your supply chain risks

    • understand and meet OECD and UN responsible business standards and principles

    • conduct Human Rights Due Diligence and Heightened Human Rights Due Diligence

    • conduct modern slavery assessments and meet or exceed legislative requirements

    • conduct conflict & conflict sensitivity assessments

    • ensure responsible business in fragile & conflict affected states

    • train your executives and embed processes

  • Positive Corporate Impact

    As companies embrace stakeholder expectations to contribute to social and environmental impact, companies are seeking guidance on how real impact is designed, delivered and monitored over time.

    Our clients in this practice areas are thought and action leaders. They want to make a difference in the lives of the communities in and around their value chain. They turn to us to help them.

    We support your and your company to:

    • design, deliver and report on your social or environmental impact programs

    • develop industry-wide impact frameworks

    • deliver genuine impact for people & communities

    • align your purpose & impact with corporate strategy

    • measure, monitor & report on your real impact for people and planet

“If you are serious about making a difference, contact the Ithaca Impact team. They deliver real change on the ground, often when others say it can’t be done.”

  • Ithaca Impact Client

Our Services Pathway

As business begins to embrace sustainability, address its ESG impacts and efforts, and meets rising responsible business requirements, every company has slightly different needs. Our approach is tailored to your needs from the beginning, starting with a conversation to determine where your company is currently, what steps are near term priorities, and which efforts are best planned for into the future.

Accordingly, we choose from the capabilities below depending on your requirements and your ambition.

Tailored approaches to client needs


We evaluate: What risks and opportunities haven’t you seen? How can you manage them effectively and capitalize on them? How can you do no harm?

Whether you need enhanced due diligence to enter a new market or navigate conflict, or you need to assess risks and opportunities in your supply chain, Ithaca Impact has the network to bring deep-dive, political-economy, contextual, and environmental analysis to your investment decisions and risk management.


We uncover: What is your impact now? Are you meeting rising standards? What are your risks and opportunities? What is the cost of doing nothing?

We give you clarity on where your business is now. We look inside your business to assess risks and opportunities and we assess your broader impact on the world. We identify areas for improvement and a potential path forward.

Strategic Design & Build

We innovate: Together, we design where you can and should make a difference? What’s important to your shareholders, staff and stakeholders? How could you move the needle on key goals and social or environmental challenges in your circle of influence? Could your identifiable impact become net positive?

We work together to align your corporate purpose and impact objectives with your commercial strategy. We design an innovative social and environmental impact program that ensures your impact on the world is highly positive for the benefit of all stakeholders. Where appropriate, we align with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.


We bring to life: How do we pragmatically bringing your social and environmental purpose to life? What exceptional difference can your business make that resonates with your stakeholders?

We deploy the Ithaca Impact 4A adaptive delivery methodology and work with your team to actualise a social and environmental impact programme with and for your business. We help you bring the plan to life, measure your impact, and report and communicate that impact in a way that inspires.


We ground: How do we keep you on track for profit and purpose? How can your governance structures support corporate purpose embedding sustainability and ESG to maximise return to all stakeholders in your business?

We bring an independent Impact Advisor, or a bespoke Advisory Board, to your governance structure utilising accredited methodologies and selecting the best minds for your purpose and impact objectives.


We empower: How do your people deliver consistently against rising requirements? How can we embed capability in your firm?

Our training offerings in the areas of sustainability and responsibility business are designed to empower your Board, Executive or Operational teams to continue to deliver over time.

“…while firms must be profitable if they are to thrive, their purpose must be not only to make money but also to build prosperity and freedom in the context of a liveable planet and a healthy society.”

  • Professor Rebecca Henderson