Sustainability Maturity Profile Assessment

What is my business’s sustainability
& human rights status?

Sustainable, responsible business is no longer a nice to have, but a business and investment imperative. However, it’s easy to get disoriented navigating the path to responsible practices. From investors to customers, the call for action is resounding across industries, leaving many businesses feeling lost in the maze of expectations.

Developed by Ithaca Impact, the Sustainability Maturity Profile Assessment provides your business with valuable insight on your progress towards sustainable, responsible business and practical action points to advance your status.

The Profile is completed in a few minutes, is tailored to your business, and your results are private.

What is the Sustainability Maturity Scale?

Ithaca Impact’s Sustainability Maturity Scale assesses your company’s adoption of sustainable and responsible business practices, including social impact and human rights. The SMS characterizes your company along the scale and provides key sustainability identifiers.

Our approach is grounded in emerging global sustainability standards, frameworks, regulations and guidelines to keep pace with community expectations. These include the IFRS S1, SASB Standards, GRI, EU CSDDD and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Allow us to give you a snapshot of your current progress, and provide initial guidance on the next steps in your journey to a more sustainable firm.

Why take the assessment?

  • Understand your firm’s progress towards best practice and relative position on the Sustainability Maturity Scale

  • Use our Sustainability Identifiers to communicate your firm’s current sustainability approach to decision makers.

  • Receive targeted practical recommendations to capture opportunities for sustainability improvement.

Who is it for?

  • Sustainability managers who want an independent assessment of their firm’s progress

  • Executives who want to better understand their sustainability risks and opportunities.

  • Individuals who want to influence the sustainability agenda of their firm.